Double or Triple Your Donations on #GivingNewsDay

Want to support the rebirth of strong Colorado journalism? November 27 is #GivingNewsDay, and seven local outlets are joining forces to send a clear message with a unified voice — there has never been a more critical time to support local journalism, and there is strength in numbers.

Give a gift to your favorite newsroom below, and the Colorado Media Project will match it — up to $1,500 for each outlet. Plus your gifts, we can bring a total of $21,000 to public-supported Colorado journalism on a single day — money that will be put to good use reporting stories that matter to our community.

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While these seven outlets operate independently of one another, together they provide a vital service to Colorado and its communities. Read below about their impact, visit any publications you haven’t yet explored, and double your donations today:

  • For the past five years, Aspen Journalism has been covering water and rivers in the Colorado River basin. Recently, their reporting was instrumental in the City of Aspen’s decision to walk away from the prospect of building an 155-foot-tall dam within view of the Maroon Bells.

  • Chalkbeat Colorado shines a spotlight on inequities in public schools, over the last year giving voice to communities that demanded action on behalf of students with disabilities in Denver Public Schools and English-language learners in Adams 14.

  • The Colorado Independent is leading ongoing battles for transparency and accountability in the criminal justice system. This includes holding the Denver Police Department accountable for First Amendment violations and a petition before the United States Supreme Court for access to court records in a death penalty case.

  • The Colorado Sun has published 400 stories since its Sept. 10 launch, setting the agenda for political coverage of the 2018 midterm election, doing sharp data-driven analysis of the massive cost of fighting Colorado forest fires, explaining why Aspen’s leading-edge affordable housing program is in crisis, and even writing an obituary for two of the oldest, largest trees in Colorado.

  • Denverite provides a fresh, vital voice and on-the-ground reporting connecting the dots between what people commonly think of as “the news” to the city’s rapid growth, housing issues, government and culture — and a guide to other reporting that affects Denverites.

  • For almost 50 years, High Country News has given Coloradans the reporting they need on land use, climate, wildfires, immigration, politics, and much more. As Colorado — and indeed the world — confronts major questions on the environment, social justice, and other complex issues, HCN provides in-depth, thought-provoking journalism that informs and inspires readers to act on behalf of American West. In Colorado, this has included an investigation into the dangers of oil and gas development in populated areas; a series exploring the impact of the Trump administration’s immigration policies on communities; the influence of Big Agriculture on bighorn sheep management in the San Juan Mountains; and the impact of the opioid epidemic in the small town of Craig.

  • Rocky Mountain Public Media believes a balanced, free press is essential in maintaining an informed and vibrant democracy. Coloradans are using the stories they get from Rocky Mountain PBS’ Insight specials to strengthen the civic fabric of Colorado, for their families, their communities and their state. The episode “Imminent Danger — understanding the connections between mental health and violence” — was used during a state House of Representatives Judiciary Committee hearing. Lawmakers and witnesses watched our special report and referred to it repeatedly during the hearing.

Five of these Colorado newsrooms are also leveraging contributions from NewsMatch, a national effort to galvanize year-end giving for local nonprofit journalism. That means for those newsrooms (Aspen Journalism, Chalkbeat, the Colorado Independent, High Country News, and Rocky Mountain Public Media), your gifts may be TRIPLED today.

Please take the opportunity to make a donation to these local, independent news organizations. And thanks for your support!

CMP link

UNC link